The view from our guesthouse in Munduk (called the Aditya Homestay)

The terrace at our guesthouse, where we spent many happy hours enjoying the view and the mountain breezes

Looking from the terrace to the main street of Munduk

Coffee beans growing by the side of the road

Melissa had never seen a pineapple growing before

Mystery fruit and bamboo

Clove trees grow all around Munduk, and people dry the cloves in their yards

Most of the cloves are sold to companies in Java that make clove cigarettes

There's lots of flowing water in Munduk, even during the dry season

Hilly terrain can leave little room for family compounds. Here there's just enough space for a house, a shrine, and a satelite TV dish.

More views of the valley

A woman sifting cloves in her yard

Buds from a clove tree (after drying in the sun, they turn into the brown cloves we know)

Cacao pods (whose seeds are used to make chocolate)

A village shrine decorated for a ceremony

Munduk was a favorite spot of the Dutch who colonized Indonesia; the village has a few Dutch houses built around 1900, which don't look like anything else we've seen in Bali

Arches and columns are decidely un-Balinese

Colored tiles on the outside also show that this house was built by the Dutch

Beautiful gardens in the house just uphill from our guesthouse