Filandia: Colombia’s Most Colorful Town?

A vibrant base for exploring the beautiful scenery of central Colombia

After leaving Bogota, our first base in the Andean region of west-central Colombia was the little town of Filandia, a prettier and more authentic alternative to the backpacker hotspot of Salento nearby. Filandia has plenty of shops and restaurants and small hotels, mainly to serve the coffee and cattle farmers in the surrounding countryside, who come into town by jeep or on horseback to shop and socialize.

Filandia’s 7,000 residents seem to be in a competition to paint their balconied townhouses in the brightest possible colors, making this a beautiful place to stroll and take pictures.

Blue and pink balcony
One of Filandia’s many brightly painted balconies
Two men in hats sitting in Filandia plaza
Chilling in the main plaza (the cloths over their shoulders are typical for rural Colombian men)

Colombia’s central Andean region is an area of amazing natural beauty. From our base in Filandia, we took day trips to two places that showcased that beauty. In the Val de Corcora, we went horseback riding among the world’s tallest palm trees: the endangered wax palm, Colombia’s national tree.

AJ, Melissa, Chris, and Francesca on horses on a wide path through green hills and tall palm trees
Our merry band

At the Quindio Botanical Garden, we walked through forests of native bamboo, admired brilliant tropical flowers, and got close-up views of hummingbirds and butterflies.

Francesca holding a butterfly
Tall red flower

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