The Slow Road
Two Women Wandering the World
A dock in a lagoon in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, a protected area of lagoons, coastline, mangrove marshes, and forest that stretches more than 100km south from Tulum
The Caribbean coast in the reserve
A fresh-water river that cut its way through the mangrove marshes to the lagoon
Roots of mangrove trees, which can grow in fresh or salt water
Us on a wonderful motorboat tour through the reserve run by CESIAK (Centro Ecológico Sian Ka'an)
Chris swimming in the pleasantly cool waters of a cenote near the entrance to the reserve
CESIAK's Boca Paila lodge, where we stayed in the reserve
Our cabin at Boca Paila
The beach at Boca Paila. It was too windy to snorkel while we were there, so we walked on the beach instead.
Coral washed up on the beach
Among the trash washed up on the beach were a surprising number of shoes
Tan lines from Melissa's sandals
Melissa sketching the lagoon from the rooftop terrace at Boca Paila lodge