The Slow Road
Two Women Wandering the World
Green (unroasted) beans ready for exporting
Coffee cherries ripening
The symbol of Colombian coffee, Juan Valdez
Coffee growing on hillsides at Hacienda Guayabal
Stages of coffee growing: from flower to green and then red cherry to dried and then roasted beans
Flowers on a coffee bush
Picking the ripe coffee cherries
Beans unroasted, roasted, and ground
A local branch of the Colombian coffee federatiion, where farmers sell their beans
A hammock of the hotel balomy at Hacienda Guayabal
Fields of young coffee plants and bamboo at Hacienda Guayabal
The hacienda attracts beautiful birds, like this acorn woodpecker
Blue-gray tanagers are commom at the hacienda
I couldn't identify this lovely bird
The gardens at Hacienda Guayabal
Traditional farm building at the Parque del Cafe
Melissa and Chris loved this rollercoaster with its near-vertical climb and drop!
Melissa and Francesca with a dragon scuplture at the Parque del Cafe