The Slow Road
Two Women Wandering the World
A hooded penitant leads the way in one of Spain's traditional Easter Week processions (in Aracena)
Even children march as penitants in the processions
Trying to keep the long candles lit is no easy task
In Aracena, children make colored balls of wax from the drippings of marchers' candles
A very little penitant
The priest (with palm) and town officials lead a float of the Virgin Mary in Aracena
The Virgin is dressed in a long flowing cape for Palm Sunday
Different religious lodges (hermanidads) wear different colors
A float in Aracena's Palm Sunday procession
At a signal, the dozens of bearers under the float raise it onto their shoulders
Note the feet of the float bearers
After several hours, the procession returns to the church where it started
The beginning of the Good Friday procession in Vejer de la Frontera
A Good Friday float in Vejer
The Virgin Mary float turns to honor a convent in Vejer