The Slow Road
Two Women Wandering the World
Palma's Gothic catherdral
A plaza in the sunshine (Mallorca gets sun almost every day of the year)
Chris with a seemingly magical busker
Strolling the pedestrian streets of central Palma
One of Palma's many Art Deco-style buildings
The trunk of an ancient olive tree in a plaza (Mallorca grows a lot of olives)
Palma's 17th-century City Hall
These glass-emclosed iron balconies remind us of southern Spain
Palma has a little bit of street art
A fabulous Art Deco dental clinic
Another Art Deco building at night
It's low season in Mallorca, so carriage drivers have time to talk on the phone
The main facade of the Palma cathedral
The interior of Palma cathedral
Light from a stained glass window dapples a chapel covered in paintings
An alterpiece carved with the Last Supper
A medieval traveling reliquery, full of saints' relics acquired on the owner's travels
An exquisite ivory crucifix in Palma cathedral
The Palma cathedral and an almost full moon
The cathedral sits next to a 13th-century palace