The Slow Road
Two Women Wandering the World
Our home in Denpasar, a small inn in the owner's back yard on Nakula Street
The dining area and inn building
A garuda figure guards the dining area
The owner's house across the coutrtyard (much of life is lived on the veranda)
The owner's late husband on the wall and father-in-law at the dining table
The view from our room over an alley and typical houses
A family shrine next to our room
The elaborate decorations are for a family ceremony
The inn owner, Ibu Adi, preparing a mountain of offerings on the main family shrine for the ceremony
Relatives and neighbors bring more offerings
Relatives gather for the ceremony
In our newly bought sarongs and sashes (proper attire for a religious ceremony), we were invited into the owner's house for dinner.
A plate of sweets given to everyone who attended (most are made of rice, bananas, beans, or fruit, steamed in banana leaves and sweetened with palm sugar syrup)