Edinburgh: Day 4

On our last day in Edinburgh, while Chris did errands, I (Melissa) and the groomsmen went off to the National Museum of Scotland, which Chris had visited before. The museum was very interesting but also completely overwhelming. I would have liked to spread it over a week, rather than an afternoon.

As it was, we skimmed the earth science/prehistory, spent a good bit of time in the Celtic, Roman, and medieval sections, and finished up in the 18th century. My brain hurt by the time we left. The day ended with laundry, fish and chips from a shop down the road, and spirited games of Carcassonne with our apartment-mates plus Jan and Neta, who were sticking around in Edinburgh for a few days before seeing some more of Scotland.

Talking and laughing together with our good friends made us realize how much we’re going to miss them for the next year while we travel. Great adventures are ahead of us, but we’ve left some really good things behind.

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